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Writers’ self-help/ Selbsthilfe von Autoren

Posted by Beat Mazenauer | | filed under: ,

iTunes shows how it’s done. An extensive catalogue of music tracks, games, books and of course Apps is available to users. Anyone who has stored his or her credit card data obtains the desired ...

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Exile as the inexhaustible creative source/ Das Exil als unerschöpfliche kreative Quelle/ المنفى كمكان لا ينضب للإبداع نجم والي

Posted by Najem Wali | | filed under: ,

At all times creative individuals have experienced the hard way that wherever power dominates there is also the force of exile. This dates back as far as Adam and Eve.

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European Literature Trends 2015/ Europäische Literatur Trends 2015

Posted by ELit Network | | filed under: ,

Literature Hous3 Europe: Literature Trends 2015 Eds. Walter Grond and Beat Mazenauer For the first time, the Literaturhaus Europe presents a nuanced and entertaining summary of the annual activities ...

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“Googling” without Google/ „Googeln“ ohne Google

Posted by Beat Mazenauer | | filed under: ,

Summary Used in item listings and search results. Trapped in its own algorithms Google increasingly turns up exactly what we were expecting anyway. To put it provocatively: Google manages its own ...

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Homesickness for Future/ Heimweh nach Zukunft

Posted by Herta Müller | | filed under: ,

Acceptance speech for the award of the Heinrich Böll Prize 2015.

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Re-Book, a European E-book Project for Proposal

Posted by Renata Zamida | | filed under: ,

With the exception of a few countries, European libraries have been slow at adapting to change and modernization. This means that the introduction of e-books is in many libraries merely one of many ...

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Social reading – Quiet reading time together/ Soziales Lesen – Stille Lektüre miteinander

Posted by Beat Mazenauer | | filed under: ,

There’s something magic about reading. Concentrated reading expands the world of experience and opens up fields of perception that in reality remain closed. Readers experience more than a single life ...

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Migrants in Hungarian literature II: Immigrants

Posted by Ágnes Orzóy | | filed under: ,

In this region, the eastern and southern parts of Europe, borders are very important, because history has always been equivalent here with the shift and change of borders; individual and family ...

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Way Ahead of Politics: Literary Bridge between Belgrade and Pristina/ Daleko ispred politike: Književni most između Beograda i Prištine

Posted by Saša Ilic | | filed under: ,

With a thirty-year delay, on 25th August 2015 the Prime Ministers of Serbia and Kosovo signed four agreements in Brussels, as part of the Brussels negotiations on normalization of the relationship ...

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Migrants in Hungarian literature I: emigrants

Posted by Ágnes Orzóy | | filed under: ,

“Leave the place that is not good for you. Those who are leaving are right to do so. And they will regret it, just like those who are staying.” (Endre Kukorelly)

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