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Mit einer literarisch-musikalischen Matinee und der Verleihung des Ehrenpreises des Österreichischen Buchhandels für Toleranz im Denken und Handeln an die italienische Schriftstellerin Francesca Melandri am Sonntag den 24. November endeten  die  Europäischen Literaturtage 2019. Die Dialoge und Debatten der vier intensiven Tage europäischen Austausches zum Thema „Was ist ein gutes Leben?“ wurden filmisch dokumentiert.

How good is our well-being when we strive for the best lifestyle?

Robert Menasse in conversation with the historian and writer, Doron Rabinovici, on strategies for living the best lifestyle.


How would life have been different, if...?                 

György Dragomán and Iris Wolff, both originally born in Romania, discuss influential experiences of the past and intense moments. Moderator: Rainer Moritz.

How do we love in times of disquiet?                                    

Norwegian writer, Ida Hegazi Høyer, and Belgian writer, Annelies Verbeke, consider the effort of gaining a foothold in a stressful world. Moderator: Rosie Goldsmith.


How hospitable are we?

British writer, Priya Basil, and Palestinian poet, Ghayath Almadoun, on human rights and hospitality as the watchword of our time.


A beautiful life – or its dark side?           

Rüdiger Wischenbart and Beat Mazenauer in conversation with the German publisher and writer, Zoe Beck, and Austrian writer, Marc Elsberg, about digital feasibility fantasies, the surrender of utopian thinking and their dissolution in literature.

Literary Soirée

Katja Gasser introduces international writers and their books: a hymn to freedom in the narrative by Helena Janeczek about one of the first female war photojournalists; the story of a perfectly functioning person who tries to break out of the brilliant new world (Julia von Lucadou); and a text by Enis Maci on the question of what resistance might look like today.

Literary Award for Tolerance in Thought and Action          

During the Sunday matinée, the Italian writer Francesca Melandri received the Austrian Book Trade Honorary Award for Tolerance in Thought and Action. Music: Simon Zöchbauer and the Koehne Quartet, Moderator: Katja Gasser.

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