Slovenian Authors and Publishers in Vienna – April 2016

Four late April evenings dedicated to Slovenian literature have enticed the Viennese audience with an exciting programme, with Slovenian works translated into German...

Slovenia's preparations for the Frankfurt Guest of Honour Candidacy

Four late April evenings dedicated to Slovenian literature have enticed the Viennese audience with an exciting programme, with Slovenian works translated into German, and with performances by authors that will definitely be considered among the most intriguing events of the year – as Manfred Müller, head of the "Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur" Austrian Literature Society described the evening with Boris Pahor Despite a part of the audience having to remain standing throughout the event, they gladly persevered for a full two hours.   
The inaugural event unfolded in a relaxed atmosphere at the Phil bookstore at Gumperndorfer Street – a location at the heart of the Vienna cultural scene that is always in a high demand, since it is one of the most popular central bookstores that, among many other things, also serves as a café and an open-air cinema. With courtesy of the Slovenian boutique brewery Reservoir Dogs, the audience was graced with the opportunity to both taste and lend an ear to the "Slovenian" by listening to the poetry of Cvetka Lipuš, Ana Pepelnik, young Austrian poet Verena Mermer, and the host of the evening – Austrian slam poet Robert Prosser. Davorin Lenko, who conversed with the audience in German, represented the Slovenian prose section by touching upon the German translation of his debut novel Bodies in the Dark (Körper im Dunklem, Slovene Writers Association, 2016).
The next morning was reserved for a visit to various Austrian publishing houses and bookstores. The fairly strong Slovenian delegation began their rounds by visiting the editor-in-chief of the Zsolnay publishing house (which has been a part of the larger Hanser Group for quite some years now) and then stopping by the Folio publishing house, where Drago Jančar has been the "bearer of the Slovenian flag" for a fair while and where Goran Vojnović recently saw the publishing of a translation of his work into German (Vaters Land). Still, all of us unanimously agreed with a sentiment emanating from the announcement of the "Slovenian literary tour" in the Vienna-based newspaper Falter – Slovenija: A land so near and so scarcely known. This statement is not painful for the Slovenian Tourist Board alone – it gravely affects the Slovenian publishing industry as well.
During the evening, the focus fell on the "Alte Schmiede" cultural centre, where Aleš Šteger unveiled the ‘freshly printed’ German translation of his novel Absolution (Archiv der toten Seelen, Schoeffling, 2016). The author read excerpts from the novel in both Slovene and German with the same intriguing panache. Meanwhile, Boris Pahor, who was actually born during Austro-Hungarian period, arrived in the capital of the late empire to grace the audience with his presence on April 28th at the headquarters of the distinguished Austrian Literature Society – one of the oldest literary institutions in Vienna. He spoke freely about the fallen dual monarchy and the current European Union, which appears to be coming close to sharing the abolished empire's fate. His long-time friend, renowned philologist and co-translator of his novel Nekropolis into German Thomas Poiss joined Boris Pahor. What constitutes an “embarrassment to the German publishers", as Cornelius Hell, the host of the discussion put it, the book is out of print and no longer available on the German speaking markets (the novel was published ages ago by Berlin Verlag). Auspiciously, we had the rare privilege of listening to an excerpt from the book read by Boris Pahor himself.
The closing event on the evening of the 29th featured guests on the stage of Vienna’s largest public library, "Hauptbücherei am Gürtel". The event featured appearances by Carinthian-Slovene ORF Culture Editor Katja Gasser as hostess; Carinthian-Slovene author Maja Haderlap, who was asked for autographs while on her way to the stage already; and Goran Vojnović, the guest of honour in light of the publication of the German translation of his novel Jugoslavija, moja dežela (Vaters Land, Folio, 2016) who adorned more than just a few covers of the newly-issued book with his personal signature. Crowds of several hundred people, stunned silence during the reading by translator Klaus Detlef Olof, and the upbeat discussion that followed may have, in addition to a fairly strong media presence and the author's mini-tour of Germany, contributed to the fact that Goran Vojnović's novel has been included on the monthly (May) recommended reading list of the German public radio and TV network Südwestrundfunk - SWR (
At the end, I shall quote one of the participating publishers from Ljubljana: “Without conventions in this vein, neighbouring cultures would remain just that – neighbours, who may know about each other, but never speak to one another” … and wish ourselves good luck for Frankfurt 2021!

Translated from Slovenian into English by Janko Jemec

Renata Zamida

Renata Zamida ist Mittarbeiterin der Slowenischen Buchagentur, die vom Kulturministäriums zur Förderung des Buchwesen in Slowenien gegrundet wurde und auch für die Presentation der Slowenischen Literatur im Ausland sorgt. Sie ist bei der Buchagentur für den internationalen Bereich zuständig und leitet das Projekt Slowenien- Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse. Bis 2016 arbeitete sie zehn Jahre als Mangerin für Internationales Recht bei dem Verlag Beletrina  in Ljubljana. Sie hat die E-Book Verkaufs- und Leihplattform Biblos mitentwickelt, die als europäisches Vorbild für die Verleihung von E-Books in öffentlichen Bibliotheken  ist und zudem die Hauptplattform für E-Books in Slowenien. Sie ist auch im Vorstand der Slowenischen Buchmesse aktiv und betreut dort das Gastland Programm.

Renata Zamida works for the Slovenian Book Agency, established by the Ministry of Culture to develop and enhance the publishing and bookseller perspectives in Slovenia, also in charge for the promotion of Slovenian literature abroad. She has been working for Beletrina Academic Press in Ljubljana for ten years, until 2016, as Foreign Rights Manager. She  has also co-developed the e-book lending and selling platform Biblos - an European role model lending system for e-books in public libraries and the main platform for e-books in Slovenian. She is also active in the advisory and management board of the Slovenian book fair, responsible for the Guest of honour countries

Renata Zamida ist Mittarbeiterin der Slowenischen Buchagentur, die vom Kulturministäriums zur Förderung des Buchwesen in Slowenien gegrundet wurde und auch für die Presentation der Slowenischen Literatur im Ausland sorgt. Sie ist bei der Buchagentur für den internationalen Bereich zuständig und leitet das Projekt Slowenien- Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse. Bis 2016 arbeitete sie zehn Jahre als Mangerin für Internationales Recht bei dem Verlag Beletrina in Ljubljana. Sie hat die E-Book Verkaufs- und Leihplattform Biblos mitentwickelt, die als europäisches Vorbild für die Verleihung von E-Books in öffentlichen Bibliotheken ist und zudem die Hauptplattform für E-Books in Slowenien. Sie ist auch im Vorstand der Slowenischen Buchmesse aktiv und betreut dort das Gastland Programm.

Renata Zamida works for the Slovenian Book Agency, established by the Ministry of Culture to develop and enhance the publishing and bookseller perspectives in Slovenia, also in charge for the promotion of Slovenian literature abroad. She has been working for Beletrina Academic Press in Ljubljana for ten years, until 2016, as Foreign Rights Manager. She has also co-developed the e-book lending and selling platform Biblos - an European role model lending system for e-books in public libraries and the main platform for e-books in Slovenian. She is also active in the advisory and management board of the Slovenian book fair, responsible for the Guest of honour countries

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